
Facebook status updates, wall posting and payments was Down (Update : The problem resolved )..

Many of the User's was having Trouble on Facebook Updating their status , wall posting and much more.. Some users received errors Monday morning whenever they try to share a status update or send messages to friends. When attempting to post an update, users may see a message like "there was an error updating your status."

In a statement issued Monday, Facebook says the errors have been fixed. "Earlier today morning, while performing some network maintenance, we experienced an issue that prevented some users from posting to Facebook for a brief period of time," reads the statement. "We resolved the issue quickly, and we are now back to 100%."

News of Facebook issues first surfaced through a series of posts on Twitter from users complaining of issues with posting status updates or even liking content from friends.

Facebook's developer page confirms the latter, noting that it's been offline since at least 4:46AM PDT And Now its all Resolved...

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Official Facebook App for Windows 8 is now available..

Good News for Windows 8 users.. A few days back Microsoft's Latest operating system Windows 8.1 Update was available for all windows users.. The Good News is that One of the Most Popular social networking site " Facebook " has released their Facebook App for Windows 8 Users..

Yes, Official Facebook App for Windows 8 users is now available on Windows store for download also it's for free !! Just go to Windows store by using your store app on windows 8 or you can get there directly from the given link below..

Screenshots of

News Feed 



You can download it from Microsoft's Official Website : Download Facebook App for WIndows

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How to Download any Website or a Page for Offline Use ???

How to Download Any Websites for offline Use??

As we have shared before " W3Schools Website Completely for Offline Use " , Many of our readers were asking " How can we download any Website or an individual page to use it for offline use without internet connection... ".. So today i am posting it for our readers who are waiting for to know about it...

Why you need Websites or a Webpage offline Use ??

        According to you, it may be for different reasons that why they or you need Websites to Download for offline use!! According to me , If online users need something for some reasons from Internet, they go straight up to Google and get their required info.. what about offline users?? so when they need info they may go to cyber and may want to download it,so that they can use those downloaded websites or pages at home in offline.. So for that reason i am here today..

Let's look for a Best One !!

       There are many ways, software's or may be some other techniques to Download any Web Page or Site for Offline.. lets go for a best and Easiest method..

HTTrack Website Copier

Yes, HTTrack is a software that i am talking about in this post.. i personally prefer this software as it is easy to handle and use without much complications..

HTTrack is a free and open source Web crawler and offline browser , It allows users to download World Wide Web sites from the Internet to a local computer. By default, Ir arranges the downloaded site by the original site's relative link-structure. The downloaded (or "mirrored") website can be browsed by opening a page of the site in a browser.


          If you are using Latest OS Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 , nothing to worry about.. I have tried it.. HTTrack will also work on these too...


You can Download it from its official website or its available on most of Sites like Softpedia..

Official Website : HTTrack Website
Download Page : Download HTTrack

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